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Open Contests

Check what are currently open diploma theses contests and apply!

About Us

Innovation is the driving force behind the development of any economy. It is revolutionary ideas, leadership and effective implementation that change the world for the better. We strongly believe that the combination of innovative concepts developed at universities with the implementation potential of the industry gives synergy from which both parties draw!

Our mission: it is revolutionary ideas, leadership and effective implementation that change the world for the better!

Diploma Thesis Contests

Organizing thesis contests is an effective and efficient method of identifying the most talented graduates. The diploma thesis as an example of a specific problem that has been solved by the student is much more credible for him than a classic CV!

The winners of our competitions (apart from material prizes) receive specific, attractive offers of support and career development from Business Partners. These can be internships, participation in interesting projects, trainings or tailor-made job offers in R&D centers.

The jury evaluating theses consists of representatives of the University, IEEE and industry. The different perspectives of the jury members bring unique value to the evaluation process. This factor makes the 4 Science Contest Diploma a recognizable and valuable certificate of graduate's achievements and competences for employers and universities!

See below for different formulas of competitions addressed to specific groups of students.

Engineer 4 Science (E4S)

It's a local competition for engineering and bachelor theses organized at the best faculties of leading universities. The competitions are carried out under the patronage of PS IEEE in cooperation with Business Partners. Winners of local competitions are qualified to the next stage (Superstar 4 Science) where they compete at the national level. The awards are granted at a ceremonial Gala during which the winners have the opportunity to present the results of their work on the forum of Business Partners, Universities and Students.

Superstar 4 Science (S4S)

It's a national competition for engineering and bachelor theses. Winners of local E4S competitions are qualified. The competitions are carried out under the patronage of PS IEEE in cooperation with Business Partners. The awards are granted at a ceremonial Gala during which the winners have the opportunity to present the results of their work on the forum of Business Partners, Universities and Students. Winners are also invited to a gala dinner attended by representatives of companies, Promoters and Deans.

Master 4 Science (M4S)

It's a national competition for masters theses. The competitions are carried out under the patronage of PS IEEE in cooperation with Business Partners. The awards are granted at a ceremonial Gala during which the winners have the opportunity to present the results of their work on the forum of Business Partners, Universities and Students. Winners are also invited to a gala dinner attended by representatives of companies, Promoters and Deans.

Topic Contests

It's a national competition for engineering, bechelor and/or masters theses. The thematic areas of works that are qualified for a given competition (e.g. AI, Cybersecurity, Blochchain) are defined by Business Partners. Winners are invited to a gala dinner attended by representatives of companies, Promoters and Deans.

Open Contests

Check what are currently open contests and apply!

Project Topic Platform

What would you say if you could inspire academics or students to conduct research in the direction you choose? It's possible with 4 Science Project Topic Platform! Now you can propose a design topic. Interested scientists and students will contact you. You will have a chance to influence the directions of their research. It is also possible to buy the rights to the obtained results from the University.


Supporting young scientists is crucial for the future of the industry! This is why the 4 Science Institute has launched a special scholarship program aimed at enabling young scientists to carry out their research.


There is no more effective way to establish a relationship with your partner than to meet him! To accelerate the cooperation of companies with universities, we organize networking events during which participants have the opportunity to establish cooperation with the appropriate partner. The participation of representatives of top universities and the most innovative companies significantly increases your chances of finding the right partner.

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Our Partners

Our values are close to leading organizations supporting science.

Media Patrons

Media Patrons of our contests are:

Business Partners

Our strength lies in cooperation with leading innovative companies in the technology industry. Thanks to their competences, Business Partners are able to support the development of the most talented Students, Graduates and Scientists. They trusted us:

Technological Partners

Our projects are supported by technologies provided by:


The key to success in the world of technology is conducting research at the highest level. We help our Business Partners in establishing cooperation with the best Scientists.

Contact Us

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